1. 456 – code of  practice for plain and reinforced concrete.
  2. IS: 383 – specifications for fine & coarse aggregate from natural sources for concrete.
  3. IS: 2386 – methods of tests for aggregate for concrete.
  4. IS: 2430 – methods of sampling.
  5.  IS: 4082 – specifications for storage of materials.
  6.  IS: 2116 – permissible clay, silt & fine dust contents in sand.
  7.  IS: 2250 – compressiv strength test for cement mortar cubes.
  8. IS: 269 – specifications for 33 grade OPC.
  9. IS: 8112 – specifications for 43 grade OPC.
  10. IS: 12269 – specifications for 53 grade OPC.
  11. IS: 455 – specifications for PSC (Portland slag cement).
  12. IS: 1489 – specifications for PPC (Portland pozzolana cement).
  13. IS: 6909 – specifications for SSC (super sulphated cement).
  14. IS: 8041 – specifications for RHPC (Rapid Hardening Portland cement).
  15. IS: 12330 – specifications for SRPC (sulphate resistant Portland cement).
  16. IS: 6452 – specifications for HAC for structural use (high alumina cement).
  17. IS: 3466 – specifications for masonry cement.
  18. IS: 4031 – chemical analysis and tests on cement.
  19. IS: 456; 10262; SP 23 – codes for designing concrete mixes.
  20. IS: 1199 – methods of sampling and analysis of concrete.
  21. IS: 516 – methods of test for strength of concrete.
  22.  IS: 13311 – ultrasonic testing of concrete structures.
  23. IS: 4925 – specifications for concrete batching plant.
  24.  IS: 3025 – tests on water samples.
  25. IS: 4990 – specifications for plywood formwork for concrete.
  26. IS: 9103 – specifications for concrete admixtures.
  27.  IS: 12200 – specifications for PVC water bars.
  28. IS: 1077 – specifications for bricks for masonry work.
  29. IS: 5454 – methods of sampling of bricks for tests.
  30. IS: 3495 – methods of testing of bricks.
  31. IS: 1786 – cold-worked HYSD steel rebars (grade Fe415 & Fe500).
  32. IS: 432; 226; 2062 – mild steel of grade I.
  33.  IS: 432; 1877 – mild steel of grade II.
  34.  IS: 1566 – specifications for hard drawn steel wire fabric for reinforcing concrete.
  35. IS: 1785 – specifications for plain hard drawn steel wire fabric for prestressed concrete.
  36. IS: 2090 – specifications for high tensile strength steel bar for prestressed concrete.
  37. IS: 2062 – specifications for steel for general purposes.
  38.  IS: 226 – specifications for rolled steel made from structural steel.
  39.  IS: 2074 – specifications for prime coat for structural steel.
  40. IS: 2932 – specifications for synthetic enamel paint for structural steel.
  41. IS: 12118 – specifications for Polysulphide sealants.
