Solving PLAXIS Error Code 103: Understanding and Resolving Load Advancement Procedure Failures

PLAXIS is a widely used geotechnical engineering software for analyzing soil behavior and predicting the response of structures. However, encountering errors during simulations can be frustrating. One such error is Error Code 103, which occurs when the load advancement procedure fails. 

In this blog, we will delve into the causes of this error and provide practical solutions to overcome it. So, let's explore how to resolve PLAXIS Error Code 103 and successfully complete your simulations!

Understanding PLAXIS Error Code 103:

Error Code 103 typically occurs when PLAXIS encounters difficulties while advancing the load during the analysis. It indicates a problem with the load advancement procedure, hindering the successful completion of the simulation.

Common Causes of Load Advancement Procedure Failures:

a. Numerical Instability: The load advancement procedure can fail due to numerical instability caused by inappropriate model settings, such as unrealistic soil parameters or inadequate convergence settings.

b. Complex Soil Behavior: Certain soil behavior models, like those representing non-linear or time-dependent soil properties, can pose challenges during the load advancement procedure.

c. Insufficient Calculation Steps: If the load steps or time increments are too large, the analysis may encounter difficulties in accurately capturing the soil response, leading to load advancement failures.

d. Incorrect Boundary Conditions: Inaccurate or conflicting boundary conditions specified in the model can disrupt the load advancement process.

Solutions to Resolve Error Code 103:

a. Refine the Model: Start by reviewing your soil parameters, boundary conditions, and load steps. Ensure they are appropriate and realistic for the problem at hand. Adjusting the model parameters and refining the mesh can help mitigate numerical instabilities.

b. Modify Convergence Settings: Experiment with different convergence settings, such as the convergence criteria, tolerances, or maximum iterations. Adjusting these settings can enhance the stability of the load advancement procedure.

c. Reduce Load Steps: If the load steps are too large, try reducing them to capture the soil behavior more accurately. Smaller load increments provide finer resolution and improve the chances of successful load advancement.

d. Simplify Soil Models: If you are using complex soil behavior models, consider simplifying them or using more suitable alternatives. Simplified models may provide more stable load advancement results.

e. Verify Boundary Conditions: Double-check the boundary conditions to ensure they are consistent and properly defined. Incorrect or conflicting boundary conditions can cause load advancement failures.

f. Analyze Output Plots:

Inspect the following output plots to identify potential issues causing numerical problems:

 Deformed Mesh: Observe how the mesh changes after calculations.

Total Displacements: Check the shaded plot representing overall displacements.

Incremental Displacement: Look for shaded plots or arrows indicating small changes in displacement.

Total Deviatoric Strain: Examine the shaded plot showing overall strain.

Incremental Shear Strains: Check for shaded plots showing small changes in shear strain.

Plastic Points Plot: If relevant to your analysis, inspect this plot.

Excess Pore Pressure Plot: If applicable, review this plot as well.

g. Adjust Input Data:

Based on your analysis of the output plots, make necessary adjustments to your input data. This may include modifying material properties, refining boundary conditions, or reducing load steps to enhance stability and accuracy.

If you have exhausted all troubleshooting options and still face Error Code 103, don't hesitate to reach out to the PLAXIS support team or consult with experienced geotechnical engineers. They can provide specific guidance tailored to your simulation and help you overcome the error.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general guidance for resolving PLAXIS Error Code 103. It is advisable to refer to the official PLAXIS documentation and consult with experts for comprehensive support and tailored solutions. 
