Problem Statement:
Estimate the magnitude of flood having a recurrence interval of 100 years by Gumbel’s method.
a. Data is arranged in descending
order and calculate Ǭ and σ for the series of the noted maximum flood
b. The magnitude of the flood corresponding to a given recurrence interval T may be estimated as described below
Ǭ (Arithmetic mean of all the flood
discharges in series) = ΣQ /n = 1843
= 1894.481
a. For a given each value of T
calculate yT by using the below equation:
b. Calculate Reduced mean Ȳn and
Reduced Standard deviation (Sv) using the below table:
a. For a given value of T calculate yT
b. Determine the value of KT by
using below equation and follow table
c. Calculate flood of magnitude QT
has recurrence interval T using the below equation